
Participant Enrolment in Family Doctor's Clinic

Guidebook for Public Enrolment in Family Doctor Clinic
CDCC Participant Enrolment in Family Doctor's Clinic (Step-by-step Guide)
User Manual for CDCC Pilot Scheme Participant Enrolment (Family Doctor's Clinic)
Tutorial for CDCC Pilot Scheme Participant Enrolment by Family Doctor
(Family Doctor's Clinic)
Tutorial for CDCC Pilot Scheme Participant Enrolment by Clinic Assistant
(Family Doctor's Clinic)

Before Enrolment

Cover Note for Private Doctor's Application to Enrol in the Chronic Disease
Co-Care Pilot Scheme
Chronic Disease Co-Care Pilot Scheme Enrolment Guide
Terms and Conditions of Agreement with Private Doctors
Undertaking and Declaration
Personal Information Collection Statement
User Manual for Family Doctor Enrolment
How to Enrol in CDCC Pilot Scheme as Family Doctor

After Enrolment

Operation Manual
Concise Guide - For Family Doctor
Clinical Pathway for Participants of the CDCC Pilot Scheme
Reference Framework
Scheme Drug List
Investigation Packages and Items List

Useful Forms

Authority for Payment to a Bank
Relieving Doctor Enrolment Form
Clinic Administrator Enrolment Form
Request Form for Reference Pricing Information of Specified Drugs

Training Guide & Videos

User Manual for CDCC Pilot Scheme Participant Enrolment to Screening and
Management (DHC Nurse)
User Manual for CDCC IT Module
User Guide for Drug Ordering
Quick Guide to Access CDCC IT System
Tutorial for CDCC Pilot Scheme Participant Enrolment (DHC Nurse - Screening
& Management)
Overview of CDCC IT Module for Family Doctors
Overview of CDCC IT Module for Allied Health Professionals
How to Start CDCC Journey for Participants
How to Register Attendance for a CDCC Participant
How to Create Doctor's Consultation Note
How to Create Allied Healthcare Professionals Consultation Note
How to Proceed to Payment Checkout for Doctor's Service
How to Proceed to Payment Checkout for Allied Health Professional Service
How to Submit Reimbursement
How to Order Investigation Request

Presentation Materials for Briefing Sessions

Presentation Slides of Webinar on Chronic Disease Co-Care Pilot Scheme
on 4 Sep 2023
Video of Webinar on Chronic Disease Co-Care Pilot Scheme on 4 Sep 2023
Presentation Slides of Webinar on Chronic Disease Co-Care Pilot Scheme
on 17 Oct 2023 (Chinese Only)
Video of Webinar on Chronic Disease Co-Care Pilot Scheme on 17 Oct 2023
Presentation Slides of CDCC Training Session on Use of CDCC IT Systems
(for Family Doctor) on 28 Nov 2023
Video of CDCC Training Session on Use of CDCC IT Systems (for Family
Doctor) on 28 Nov 2023


Pamphlet for CDCC Pilot Scheme (Family Doctors)
Life Course Preventive Care for Healthcare Professionals
Primary Healthcare Blueprint
CDCC eBulletin (Chinese Only)