Scope of Service Provision

Scheme Content

Screening Services
  • Family Doctor to perform assessments and arrange investigation for screening
  • Blood test(s) will be conducted at a designated medical laboratory
  • Family Doctor to explain investigation report and diagnosis, and formulate appropriate health management plan
Health Management Plan
  1. Family Doctor will provide a maximum of six subsidised consultations annually to Scheme Participants diagnosed with HT and/or DM; and a maximum of four subsidised consultations annually to Scheme Participants with prediabetes, while providing necessary medications and arranging tests and examinations as required
  2. DHC/DHCE will arrange nurse clinic follow-up and/or allied health services according to Family Doctor's referral and condition of Scheme Participants
Coordination and Support from DHC/DHCE
  1. Following up and coordinating services based on health management plan by DHC/DHCE for all Scheme Participants
  2. Setting health goals together with Scheme Participants based on Family Doctor's suggestion
  3. Enhancing Scheme Participants' self-health management, promoting Scheme Participant empowerment and helping them build a healthy lifestyle