Introduction of CDCC Pilot Scheme

Scheme Objectives Logo of CDCC Pilot Scheme

  • Provide convenient screening services for diabetes mellitus (DM) and hypertension (HT)
  • Provide tailored health management plan for Scheme Participants to control chronic disease risk factors
  • Prevent chronic diseases and reduce related complications
  • Practise "Family Doctor for All"

Comprehensive Support

Community-wide Promotion
  • The Government will launch a series of promotion activities to encourage eligible citizens to participate
Proactive Recruitment
  • DHC/DHCE will assist citizens in enrolling and pairing with a Family Doctor
  • Family Doctors who support participant enrolment at their clinics can directly invite eligible individuals to enrol.
Self-determined Co-payment Fee
  • Upon enrolment in the Scheme, in addition to receiving a fixed Government subsidy, Family Doctor can determine the co-payment fee for each subsidised consultation in the Treatment Phase
Government Subsidy
  • All services of the Scheme, including medical consultations, medications, laboratory investigations, nurse clinic, allied health services, are partially subsidised by the Government. Scheme Participants are required to pay the co-payment fee only
Purchasing Drugs at Discounted Price
  • Family Doctor can directly and conveniently procure drugs required during the Treatment Phase from designated suppliers of the Government at discounted prices
Support from Medical Laboratories
  • The Government has arranged designated laboratories to provide various investigations and examination services referred by Family Doctor according to Scheme Participants' needs
Integrated Care by Professional Team
  • Family Doctor will be supported by a multidisciplinary team including nurses and allied health professionals (optometrists/ podiatrists/ dietitians/ physiotherapists). The above services will be coordinated by DHC/DHCE
Doctor-Patient Partnership Incentive Mechanism
  • Scheme Participants who achieve health incentive targets, will enjoy a one-off reduction in co-payment fee for a subsidised consultation in the following programme year with a maximum amount of $150 (the Government recommended co-payment fee)
  • Family Doctor who has a certain percentage of Scheme Participants under his/her care achieving health incentive targets in blood sugar and blood pressure levels, will also receive incentive payment. The incentive payment is based on 15% calculation of the number of subsidised consultation attended by target-achieving Scheme Participants, Government subsidy per subsidised consultation and recommended co-payment fee
Bi-directional Referral Mechanism with HA
  • Bi-directional referral mechanism is developed with the Hospital Authority (HA) to support and empower Family Doctors in long-term management of Scheme Participants
  • Family Doctor can arrange for Scheme Participant with clinical needs to receive a one-off specialist consultation at an HA designated Medicine Specialist Out-patient Clinic according to pre-defined criteria and guidelines
  • HA Medical specialist will provide clinical advice and a management plan to help Family Doctor and DHC/DHCE continue manage Scheme Participant's chronic diseases in the community
  • DHC/DHCE will support the co-ordination and communication amongst Family Doctors, Scheme Participants and HA